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Protecting kids online in 2024

Internet safety tips for parents

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The internet is a fantastic space for kids and their friends to learn, connect, and play. But as parents, we’re responsible for ensuring their safety online—and that can be quite a challenge.

That’s why we created this guide, with a little help from Verizon Tech Coach experts. It’s designed to help you and your kids navigate their online experience safely and confidently. 

Internet Safety Risks for Parents 

Here are a few of the top online hazards parents and guardians should look out for. 

  • Privacy Risks: Children might not fully grasp the risks of sharing personal information.

  • Inappropriate Content: Kids might come across content that isn’t suitable for their age. 

  • Internet Predators: There are individuals who might try to exploit children online. 

  • Cyber Bullies: Bullying can also occur online, and cyberbullies can be relentless. 

Internet safety may seem tricky, but there are some easy and practical ways to keep your kids safe online. Here are a few of our favorites: 

6 Simple Internet Safety Tips

  1. Set Ground Rules: Create clear guidelines for internet use. This can include setting time limits, specifying allowed websites, or blocking unsupervised access. Your child should know the basics of internet safety from the start, and that includes what you want them to avoid and how you expect them to behave online. 

  2. Don’t Stay Online 24/7: Even for adults, it’s hard to stay off of addicting tech. Help curb temptation: set a good example, and establish healthy habits on when and where to use tech from the start. Many parents keep electronic devices in common areas like the living room or kitchen, and leave them there overnight. Device cages are also a popular option, and generally still allow access for emergency usage (like 911 calls). Some device cages even have a timer system, which can be set to automatically unlock once time expires.  

  3. Encourage Open Communication: Assure your children that they can talk to you about anything they encounter online that makes them uncomfortable. Discuss the possibility of encountering dishonest people online, and reassure them that they won’t get in trouble for reporting something that seems wrong. 

  4. Teach Them About Privacy: Explain the importance of keeping personal information private. Make sure your children understand not to share their photos, name, address, phone number, or school name online. 

  5. Talk Openly About Internet Use: Have regular discussions with your children about their online activities. Ask about their favorite websites and apps, and explain why certain content might be inappropriate. 

  6. Use Parental Controls: Utilize the built-in parental controls on most devices and apps to block inappropriate content and monitor your child’s online activity. You might also consider downloading a parental control application for added security. 

Helping kids learn to browse the web safely isn’t as scary as it may seem. Using the right tools —like helpful apps, open communication, and clear ground rules-you can ensure you and your children have a safe, positive experience online.  

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